The (AGLIFF) Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival was founded in 1987 and became a 501(c)3 in 1995. AGLIFF rebranded to Polari, Inc. in 2012 for its 25th Anniversary Year.
The Polari Film Festival has grown tremendously in size and scope from a short four-day run of four films primarily focused on coming out and AIDS to a multifaceted nonprofit organization with year-round community programs that culminate at our annual film festival program, with over 150 films depicting myriad issues across cultures, race, immigration status, class, gender identity and expression, age, and region.
- To create positive and visible film programs relevant to lives of LGBTQI-identified people
- To educate the community about LGBTQI issues
- To produce and promote the best in LGBTQI community building events
- To support and partner with other organizations to enlighten the public
Polari Nonprofit Organization Programs include the Queer Youth Media Project, My Queer Movie Project, Filmmaker Assistance Program, Community Partner Program and Family Screening Program, all of which culminate in the Polari Film Festival Program. The Film Festival Program has expanded in purpose to combine entertainment with community outreach and education as it implements year-round programming and community projects.
The primary activities of Polari occur during the Film Festival Program held annually for several days during the Fall. The festival showcases features and shorts, mainstream and avant-garde. Films Symposia and panels have explored current political and social trends; and increasingly the festival provides a space for showcased, talented new voices for first-time filmmakers. Special shorts programs have focused on the issues faced by LGBTQI youth, immigration of LGBTQI people, gender identity and expression, adoption, marriage, military service, religion, racial identity, cultural issues, and hate crimes against LGBTQI-identified people.